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  • Writer's pictureRosie Musgrave

My art featured in The Mays Anthology!

Having submitted my artwork, I am delighted to announce that one of my animations, 'Fox and Hare' has been published in the 27th edition of The Mays Anthology, within their digital collection. This is very exciting and will hopefully give my work a bit of a bolster.

Here is a summary of what 'The Mays' is and why I am so thrilled to have been picked, as quoted from their website:

"Since 1992, The Mays has published an annual selection of the best and most exciting new writing and artwork from students at the universities of Cambridge and Oxford. The Mays is broader in scope than most university literary projects: it is sold in all major UK bookstores.

Each year invited guest editors, usually prominent authors, poets or artists, contribute a preface to the anthology and take part in the selection process. Over the years, The Mays has earned a reputation for picking out the brightest new artistic talent. Nick Laird was a former student editor, and The Mays is also widely credited for launching the career of novelist Zadie Smith. Literary agencies first took notice of Smith after seeing her story ‘Mrs. Begum’s Son and the Private Tutor’ in the 1997."

I attended the launch event in Hatchards, London, where it was lovely to hear readings of the literary pieces, as well as meet some of the faces behind the works and the committee that put so much time and effort into the selection process.

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